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You can only implement what you are able to explain.

A crisis is not matter of "if", but matter of "when".

Smart helmsmen make use of pilots

The perfect balance between continuity and change for medium-sized companies.

Strong brands are a product of knowledge, ideas, know-how, conviction and dedication.

You say you don´t need consultants, but solutions. We understand even though we are consultants.

Where many sing, the one will be heard who sings another song.

Communication, Change and Marketing advice must prove its worth by adding value to the top or bottom line – and ideally to both.

topcom is a communications, change and marketing consultancy with a special focus on hidden champions, medium-sized companies and Private Equity portfolio companies. Our activities are:

Fostering Acceptance
Brand Building
Crisis Communications

Our customers are successful, because they continuously reinvent themselves, thereby pushing technology and growth boundaries every day. They have neither the time nor funds for theoretical considerations that don’t apply to everyday business reality.

This applies to us as well. We understand our customers’ business before we advise them. We know where they are heading and support them in getting there. Like them, we love creative ideas while at the same time questioning each idea on its potential to create practical value added.

We have branded this attitude continewity. continewity creates the balance between continuity and change as a prerequisite to foster acceptance for efficient change management, successful communication, value-adding marketing, and effective crisis communication.